Ligia’s Blog
Is Happiness Elusive?
Happiness depends upon ourselves. - Aristotle Is happiness elusive? Is it just impossible to be...
Mom, Today Is Your Birthday…Happy Birthday to Heaven!
I wish it existed a mailbox to heaven. And what would I have put in that mailbox? Mom, today that...
What is Loneliness and How to Handle It
I want to be alone! You have probably said these words when you want to have time for yourself and...
First Mother’s Day…
Today is the first Mother's Day without you by my side and I have a strange feeling. I feel empty,...
How To Reconcile With Your Loved One
In any love relationship, there is the potential for an argument to arise. No one is exempt from...
What is Uncertainty and How to Handle It?
Facing situations when we feel insecure or restless can give us a sense of uncertainty. As human...
Is it Easy to Forgive?
Does this question touch you? If you are, there is something in your heart that needs to be...
How Meditation Helps with Our Self-Confidence
To possess self-confidence is to believe in ourselves and in what we can do. It is to have...
Are You Going Through Suffering?
Winston Churchill said: If you are going through hell, keep walking. As we read this sentence, it...
What Are You Choosing in Your Life?
As I was doing my walk this morning, I was pondering what life is all about and thought about the...
Your Love Lives In Me-Grief Poem
I feel your essence all around. Your clothes are impregnated with your smell. Your smile is the...
Are You Still Suffering
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is Optional. Haruki Murakami Often in our lives, we go...
Don’t Tell me-Grieving Poem
Don’t Tell me It's about time you didn't feel that way; You've been mourning for too long; Don't...
Reflection on Grief and Transformation
On the last night of 2020, I suddenly realized the year had taken the last year of your life; it...
The First Christmas
What a joy it is Christmas! These were my mom's words every time December came. This time of the...