Grief Coaching

New Book (In Spanish)

“Déjame vivir mi duelo…y sanar de adentro hacia afuera”

by Ligia M. Houben


“Déjame vivir mi duelo…y sanar de adentro hacia afuera” is written in a simple way for all audiences and will represent a valuable document for mourners, psychologists, thanatologists and gerontologists.

Coming soon in English!

How may I help you?

Are you experiencing any of these life transitions?

Loss of a
loved one

Grief is the natural response to a loss. People generally try to ignore their grief and pretend that nothing has happened, but inside they are hurting.

Divorce or

One of the greatest challenges couples have is expressing how they feel and what they want, so they can have a meaningful and loving relationship.

of identity

We generally identify the word “loss” with the death of a loved one, but there are other types of losses which could also bring grief into our lives.

Adults with
aging parents

I’ve worked extensively with older adults, providing the compassion, empathy, and care they need in times of loss or transitions.


Grief at work affects the person facing the loss, the manager of the company, and the people working with someone enduring the loss.

Finding meaning
and purpose

Life coaching is a developmental and personal growth process that can help you move from where you are now, to where you want to go.

New Podcast Episode every Friday!

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Ligia’s System

The 11 Principles of Transformation®

Transform your life
after a loss with my self-paced
online program.

Subscribe to my Newsletter and download this e-book for FREE

11 Myths & Realities Regarding Loss: Guidelines for Coping and Transforming a Loss

Self-help Book

Your transformation
starts today!

A self-help book that helps people deal with losses or difficult life transitions such as the death of a loved one, loss of health, loss of a job, or divorce. Available as e-book.

What People Say

“Being a professional who has specialized in the field of grief and loss since 1979, I am aware of Ligia’s contribution she made to the literature with her book Counseling Hispanics Through Loss, Grief, and Bereavement. Moreover, she created a grief model entitled The 11 Principles of Transformation®, this is a system that helps people transform grief into growth and has been presented nationwide in more than 100 cities.”

Howard R. Winokuer, PhD, FT

Howard R. Winokuer, PhD, FT

“Ligia Houben has gone through difficult times and precisely because of her ability to handle everything that life presented to her, she is a magnificent consultant and coach. She is sensitive, empathetic, and willing to work with someone until problems have been identified, and solutions have been implemented.”

Joachim DePosada
Global CSP

“Her loving and kind approach has helped me through some of my most difficult times. This was my first experience with a therapist and from the first date I felt completely comfortable with Ligia. I am eternally grateful to Ligia for everything she has done for me and I absolutely recommend her to anyone looking for her help.”

Patricia Monterrey

“I can’t say enough great things about working with Ligia Houben! She has helped me through the most difficult transitions of my life. Ligia is always here for me; her sweet voice and great wisdom continue to inspire and guide me, and she is never further away than a phone call! Through her coaching now I have the confidence to move on in my life! Thanks Ligia!”

Nancy Watson

Questions About Grief

What is grief?
Grief is the natural and unique response to loss. It is unique because we are unique persons, our grief is unique.
How can I overcome grief?
It is common to use the word “overcome” when we talk about grief. However, when we lose a loved one, we learn to live with the loss, as love is eternal. We can transform our grief as we give ourselves the space to acknowledge the pain, validate it and process it.
Am I ever going to be happy again?
Now, I ask you. Do you want to be happy again? If you responded yes, then you will. Remember, when there is a will, there is a way. Happiness is a state that comes from the inside out. Many times in honoring our loved one, we can find joy in our heart.
How do I deal with multiple losses?
When dealing with many losses we may experience cumulative grief. Something that can help you is to create a timeline or a history of losses and acknowledge and validate each loss. What you want is to recognize and process your grief.
How do I handle my anger?
Anger is a natural emotion, and it is important to validate it. What matters most is how you express it, as you want to avoid repressing it. You can journal, do some artwork, or hit a pillow. Remember to check with yourself if you are not repressing another emotion behind anger.
Is it “normal” to feel OK after losing a loved one?
While some people may feel intense pain and find it difficult to even function, others might experience calmness and even relief, especially if their loved one was suffering before dying. Our personality plays a huge role in how we grieve. Feeling OK does not mean you loved the person any less or that your grief is any less valid.
Is it OK to share my grief with my children?
When talking about grief with children, it is essential to be age-appropriate in your explanations. Use clear language and be prepared to answer their questions honestly. Let them know that it is okay to feel sad, confused, or even angry, and reassure them that these feelings are a natural part of grieving. Keep in mind that families that grieve together…heal together.
How can I grow through my grief?
Understandably, you feel resistance to this possibility. Still, growing through grief is a decision and it involves acknowledging your emotions, looking for ways to honor your loved one, seeking support, practicing self-care, and finding meaning in your loss. As you allow yourself to go through this process you may be surprised at how you have grown as a person.

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Former speaker for PESI

I’ve had the honor to present my seminar, “Transforming Grief and Loss” in more than 100 cities while working together with PESI.
