Is It Possible to Master Fear?

Is It Possible to Master Fear?


A few days ago, as I was driving and listening to NPR, as I usually do, and I heard an amazing interview on the program Fresh Air with Terry Gross. The interview was with Jordan Peele, director of the film Get Out, which is a horror movie. As Terry asked him how he got inspired to write and direct this film, Peele shared his story. He said that as a child he was extremely scared of horror movies and felt that to cope with his fear he had to “shift his mind.” He chose to be empowered instead of being a victim.  Peele was able to master his fear to the point of creating what he feared the most.

I found this story incredibly powerful and inspiring because many times we allow fear to control us, instead of shifting the perspective.

Now, what is a fear that you are experiencing in your life that you have not confronted yet?

Are you currently facing any of these types of fear?

  • Fear of change
  • Fear of being alone
  • Fear of making a mistake
  • Fear of starting over
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of being hurt
  • Fear of being judged
  • Fear of getting sick
  • Fear of old age
  • Fear of death

Sometimes the fear of the unknown keeps us stuck in a suffocating place and we do not give ourselves the opportunity to expand our horizons. Any situation that gives you fear will continue to exercise that power over you if you allow it. It may be that the situation itself does not change; that it is your reality.  However, you can change your perception and response to it.

Do you think that running away from your fear will make it go away?

Things do not disappear just because we do not think about them, or we do not expose ourselves to experiences where we feel scared.  Do you want to live your life feeling like this? Do you want to live your life in terror, which is just expecting something bad to happen, or do you want to feel free?

If you could foresee the future and imagine yourself without fear, how would your life look life?

So let’s do this exercise.  Close your eyes and think about something you feel extremely fearful.  Now, imagine a year from and see yourself free from that fear and feeling immensely liberated.  See yourself doing the things that you want to do without the fear.  How is the quality of your life? Is the quality of your life better without fear?  If that is the case, what is stopping you? Make the decision now, let go of your fear now, confront if so then you can overcome it and even more…you can transform it.


If you want to learn more techniques on how to transform your fears, I invite you to our upcoming workshop at The Center for Transforming Lives on Saturday April 22nd, 2017 in Miami, FL.  We also have it available in Spanish on Saturday May 6th, 2017 in Miami, FL.

You will see how your life changes at that particular moment  you decide to let go of the fear,  and embrace freedom and happiness!

Remember, your life has meaning!


Ligia M. Houben

Are You Choosing to be Happy?

Are You Choosing to be Happy?

Happiness is not something you expect for tomorrow; it is something you decide for today.

                                                     -Ligia M. Houben



Are You Choosing to be Happy?

All human beings strive for happiness. When we face a life-changing event, time does not stop. Life continues, and we continue living as well. One of the greatest reasons for embracing life after loss is the need for creating a sense of joy and meaning in our lives.  Many people think that happiness means not having problems or pain when in reality happiness comes from experiencing inner peace, having an accepting attitude towards the things we cannot change, and cherishing the good moments.

If you find yourself grieving a loss, know that you may experience an array of emotions. Be compassionate with yourself. Acknowledge each emotion and take time to grieve. Still, do not dwell on it. Take each day at a time, and give yourself permission to be happy again. If you are feeling down…remember it is temporary. But, most of all, remember you have all the resources to feel better. You are not a victim of destiny. You are the designer of your own happiness.

Be Happy! Be happy from the inside out, do not allow either situations or people determine your happiness. Make the choice!
Remember that our emotions are a direct response to what we think about. Have happy thoughts and you will evoke positive emotions. Today choose to be happy. Even in the midst of difficulties…..You can!

I know that sometimes it is difficult to take the first step but….if you are not happy with your life, reflect on what is holding you back to take action.  Don’t settle for “hanging in there”….make each day an opportunity to grow and be happier.  Choose to be happy and your outlook will take a whole new perspective.
Now is the time to bring that joy to your life. Now is the time to start a process that can transform your loss and change your life. In order to do this, and based on my own life’s experiences,  I offer two workshops to bring us closer to live with more joy and…to be happy!

One is the core of my message, The 11 Principles of Transformation which was designed to take you from loss into growth, as you learn to apply the necessary tools to transform your life.  The other workshop, Happiness is a Choice! is to remind you that….Happiness is a Choice! After my accident, I could have chosen to be bitter, angry, or depressed. Still, I chose to be happy because I have focused on being grateful to be alive, to enjoy doing the things I can do, and to keep hope in the future.
You cannot fake happiness.

This comes from within. Still, the beauty is that, with practice, it becomes your state of being.  So, what can you start doing right now?
Start each day with a sense of gratitude, enthusiasm, and empowerment. You can make each week meaningful, loving, and productive. Focus on what you can do instead of complaining on what you “have” to do. Choose to be happy!

Remember…your life has meaning!
Ligia M. Houben

The Last Reflection of 2016

The Last Reflection of 2016

The Last Reflection of 2016


In just a few weeks, 2016 will be gone and we will be ready to start 2017, which brings new promises; new opportunities; new beginnings. Therefore, before embarking on a new year, it is a good idea to look back and reflect what this year has meant to us. As Søren Kierkegaard’s stated, “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

In order to move forward into 2017 it is important to reflect on what happened this year with an open mind and open heart.

As some of you know, I like to do these reflections on my birthday and during this time of the year, as it helps me to keep perspective of where I have been and where I am going.

Some of the questions I pondered about are:

  • What has this year brought?
  • What did I learn about myself?
  • Did I live with purpose?
  • Did I express my love to my loved ones?
  • Was I grateful?
  • Did I forgive when necessary?
  • Did I stay hopeful?
  • Was I true to myself?
  • What did I miss?
  • What could I have changed?
  • What did I achieve?
  • How do I want 2017 to be?

I hope you find some of these questions meaningful and take the time to also ask yourself where you have been and where you are going. It is about living mindfully.  It is about living with meaning and purpose.  It is about living connected to our true selves.

Because it is very important to be true to ourselves, at this moment I ask you to let go of any resistance, and pay attention to what you feel as you reflect on the year.

  • Is there a painful emotion?
  • What is causing it?
  • Did you suffer a loss or faced a difficult challenge this year?
  • Is it keeping you stuck in a dark place?

Now is the time to process this pain, so you can release it, knowing you are more than your pain.

You are an amazing human being with powerful inner resources.  Use them to transform any challenge or loss so that you can embrace the New Year with hope in your heart.

Now I ask you to close your eyes and think about something beautiful that happened to you this year and cherish it. Bring that emotion to the present time as a reminder that you also experienced something positive this year.  You have the freedom to choose your thoughts, which will create your emotions, which will define your actions in 2017!

I wish you a beautiful 2017!

Remember…Your life has meaning!

Ligia M. Houben