I understand you, if when you want to say her name, you feel like a lump in your throat.

I understand you, when you look at the phone, thinking that you are going to receive a message from her.

I understand you, when you feel that weight in your soul, when realizing that she is not by your side

I understand you, when suddenly for no reason you start crying

I understand you, if you avoid going home so you do not have to face the emptiness

I understand you, if at nightfall you need a good night kiss

I understand you, if at the beginning of the day you need to say that prayer

I understand you, if sometimes you wonder who you are now

I understand you, if the emptiness you feel inside, you feel it physically

I understand you, if in the middle of a conversation a memory comes to you, and a tear comes out

I understand you, if when visiting places, you frequented together, you feel your heart jumping

I understand you, if suddenly you get a feeling of being numb, and you feel floating

I understand you, if you want to turn back time, and even if it was just one more time, receive her hug

I understand you…


Ligia M. Houben