Most people as the New Year arrives plan to commit to a change in their lives; something that will make them feel happier, better, and more successful.  Are you one of these people?  If you are…have, you stayed committed to your goal?

As we start the second month of 2017, you may find yourself stuck, ignoring your dreams, or just making excuses for not making that desired change.  Because, you are too busy; you are too tired; you don’t know how, or nobody seems to help you.  The first person who needs to help you is…you!  Only you can make it happen. Only you can make that change in your life and live with more meaning and purpose.

It has to do with commitment.  And talking about commitment, I have a story to share with you. As many of you know, my mother is 97 years old, and we have a very close relationship.  I admire her for her spirit; her desire to learn; her curiosity; her engagement with life.  Still, she never stops surprising me.  Last year, for Mother’s Day, I gave her a tablet as a present because she was eager to learn English in Duo-lingo (someone had shown her this app on their iPhone!).  Because I believe in lifelong learning, I gave her the tablet and taught her how to use it.  Well, it was the beginning of an amazing journey!

A couple of days ago, when I called her around 9:30 pm, I asked her caretaker what was she doing, to what she responded, as every night, she is studying English.  I asked her “every night?” Yes, she said, every single night around 8:30 pm she asks for her tablet and studies for an hour.  Even during those days that she may feel a little tired, she does her ritual. She doesn’t quit.  Knowing this about my 97-year-old mother touched my heart and showed me how committed she is. She said she wanted to learn English and she is doing it. Nothing takes her focus away from her goal!

Is something taking you away from YOUR goal? If you have tried before and it hasn’t worked, it doesn’t matter, you can try again and this time, do it!

I want to invite you to evaluate how you’ve started the year because you may find yourself in the same route of last year. Do you want it to stay the same or do you want to experience a breakthrough?

I want to share with you three strategies that can help you stay committed and live the year you desire!

Strategy # 1- Decide what is the most important thing you WANT to achieve

In this strategy take a look at the word “want.”  It is not about having but wanting! When I work with my clients, I ask them to pay attention to their vocabulary. The messages we give to ourselves make a huge difference in our accomplishments and personal growth.

Strategy # 2   Stay committed to making it a reality

When you make this commitment, make it with yourself. It is not about pleasing another person. It is about knowing how this decision will impact your life in a positive way.

Strategy #3   Believe in yourself

As we start working on ourselves or towards that meaningful goal, there may be times when we encounter challenges, or we doubt ourselves.  Take a pause. Evaluate, revise if necessary, and continue. Don’t ever allow any challenge to distract you from the person you want to become or the dream you want to make a reality.

Give yourself the opportunity because…Your life has meaning!

Have a Beautiful Day!

Ligia M. Houben