About Ligia M. Houben

Chaos into order,

Crisis into stability,
Challenges into opportunities,
Losses into personal growth.

– Ligia M. Houben

Ligia M. Houben

Ligia MA, FT, FAAGC, CPC, CHT, is the founder of My Meaningful Life, LLC and The Center for Transforming Lives in Miami, Fl where she consults with individuals and families; by offering coaching/support, groups and workshops. Ligia is the author of four books on grief: The self-help book Transform Your Loss. Your Guide to Strength and Hope, Counseling Hispanics Through Loss, Grief, and Bereavement. A Guide for Mental Health Professionals, and Transforming Grief and Loss. Workbook (for coaches and mental health professionals). And her book in Spanish “Déjame vivir mi duelo…y sanar de adentro hacia afuera”.

About Ligia M. Houben


» BA in Psychology and Religious Studies from the University of Miami.

» Master in Religious Studies from Florida International University.

» Master in Positive Psychology from La Salle Centro Universitario, Madrid.

» Graduate Certificates in Multidisciplinary Gerontology from Florida International University.

» Graduate Certificates in Loss and Healing from St. Thomas University.

» Certified in Thanatology, Grief Counseling, Hypnosis and Professional Coach.

» She is a Fellow in Thanatology: Death, Dying, and Bereavement and a Fellow of the American Academy of Grief Counseling and former board member of ADEC (The Association for Death, Education, and Counseling).

Certified Grief Counselor

As a Certified Grief Counselor and a Fellow of the American Academy of Grief Counseling, Ligia has specialized in helping others deal with any loss or difficult life transition in a caring and empowering way. People generally try to ignore their grief and pretend that nothing has happened to them, but inside they are hurting.

If this pain is not acknowledged and recognized, then it stays with us, preventing us from moving on with our lives. With the purpose of helping you with your grief, she created the system The 11 Principles of Transformation, which can help you move from loss to emotional and spiritual growth. She offers this system in different formats: private sessions; groups; workshops, seminars, and as an online program.

Certified Professional Coach

Ligia holds a certification as a professional coach from the International Coaching Academy (ICA) which is an accredited training provider by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

As your Life Transitions Coach, Ligia can help you change your life for the better. Ligia helps you to let go of limiting beliefs and She works with you in letting go of road blocks that prevent you from becoming the person you want to be. Because coaching focuses on the future instead of the past, overcoming limiting beliefs is one of the most powerful steps you can take to live the life you want. As you work with Ligia, you will be able to achieve your goals and transform your life living with more joy and purpose.

Certified Thanatologist

Guided by her fascination with death and dying, Ligia became a member of ADEC, The Thanatology Association, where she was a board member and has remained very active. This is the association which conferred her with the credential Certified Thanatologist and the prestigious credential Fellow in Thanatology: Death, Dying, and Bereavement.

Some of the consultations Ligia offers are related to last wishes, last rituals, and engaging in the conversation of death and dying, including fear to die. Ligia has been a volunteer of Hospice, worked with funeral homes, and has the compassion to assist the dying person and their families during this transition.

Certified Gerontologist

Ligia has a passion for older adults and helps them deal with aging challenges. She is an advocate for their wellbeing and likes to guide adult children in the transition of taking care of aging parents. She did her certification in gerontology in 2002 at The Center in Aging located in Florida International University (FIU). Ligia worked at the Center in Aging in research and as a teaching assistant for online courses in gerontology. She was very much involved with the elder community, facilitating a ladies group for 9 years at the Jewish Community Services (JCS) adult day care center in Espanola way, Miami Beach. She also taught several courses at OSHER (lifelong learning) at University of Miami and Florida International University, North Campus.

Ligia is involved with The Alliance for Aging where she has taught courses for the staff and for adults dealing with life transitions. Her seminar “Transforming Grief and Loss” was offered as a 8-week program sponsored by The Alliance for Aging.

Her manual “Spirituality and Elders: The Fourth Dimension” was endorsed by the world known author Dr. Harold Koenig:

Spirituality and Elders: The Fourth Dimension is an important tool to have for those caregivers who embrace the holistic approach to aging. Ligia M. Houben explores the internal process that older adults experience as they confront issues such as isolation, physical limitations and mortality and offers ideas to emphasize spiritual elements such as gratitude and forgiveness. She draws from her special care for older adults and her desire to motivate healthcare professionals and laypeople to understand the necessity of integrating spirituality as a vital component of meaningful aging.

Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Associate Professor of Medicine
Duke University Medical Center

Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner

Ligia is a licensed Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner by the Society of NLP of Richard Bandler. NLP is a valuable and amazingly technique for changing limiting beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. As a skilled NLP practitioner Ligia can help you discover your full potential as she teaches you to reframe your thoughts and your expectations in life. The personal change you experience is a real transformation from the inside out.

Ligia’s work has been centered in the area of grief and loss, expanding into meaning and growth.

She has a great passion for life and believes all of us are able to fulfill our purpose if we can only change our attitude and beliefs.

About Ligia

Ligia has conducted workshops and seminars in English and Spanish, in the United States and Latin America. Ligia M. Houben has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including CNN Español, NPR, NBC, and Univision.

A pioneer in working with Hispanics and grief, she authored the book Counseling Hispanics through Loss, Grief, and Bereavement. A Guide to Mental Health Professionals, which has been widely embraced as a helping manual in clinical settings, hospitals, and individuals.

This book includes her system of transformation, The 11 Principles of Transformation® which was introduced in her self-help book Transform Your Loss: Your Guide to Strength and Hope.

Ligia M. Houben was born is Managua, Nicaragua and lives in Miami, Florida. She is known for sharing her personal story of loss and transformation, her love for people, and her desire to bring peace and joy to others.

I would love to connect with you

If you have any questions regarding grief, loss or any of my services please feel free to send me a message and I’ll gladly reply.

Schedule a 1-hour session

My Story

“I want to share with you how I transformed my loss and changed my life. Just like you, I have encountered losses in my life, but the most significant happened when I was 12 years old.

I was a very happy child living in Nicaragua, my native country when my life changed in a heartbeat. My father unexpectedly died from an aortic aneurysm and my world turned upside down. My inner world actually stopped. I continued living but with great void in my heart.

For many years, I tried to understand so I could come to terms with his death, but I was stuck in my grief, not even knowing I was grieving. My healing came to be after working on myself and embarking in the field of grief and loss. I started to comprehend the human pain, the different losses we encounter in life, and the effect these can have in our lives. I realized the multiple losses I had experienced in my life and how necessary it was to process each one of them. It was then when I made the decision that changed my life completely. I chose to transform my loss into an opportunity to grow.

Enthused by this transformation, I wrote the book, dedicated to my father’s memory, Transform Your Loss. Your Guide to Strength and Hope. While I was writing the book, and inspiration overtook me. I reflected on the different elements which have been essential in my own process and I created The 11 Principles of Transformation®. I started using the system with clients, in groups, and in live seminars. Because my purpose is to help others transform their loss and change their lives, I offer it now, as an online program.

My mission in life is to empower others as they face painful situations because when we are in the midst of a loss we may feel we cannot continue, but we all have incredible resources within ourselves and the system of The 11 Principles of Transformation® is the catalyst that will help you achieve that transformation.

From my heart to yours…Also inspired by my story of loss, I developed professionally in the area of grief, loss, spirituality and personal growth.What follows is my professional background so you also know about me in that aspect.”

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Former speaker for PESI

I’ve had the honor to present my seminar, “Transforming Grief and Loss” in more than 100 cities while working together with PESI.
