The word love has only 4 letters, yet it encompasses so much that at times is hard to define.   Besides, being an abstract and complex concept, it is not easy to describe it.. In this message, and being this month dedicated to love, I will share with you how I define love.  Let’s keep in mind that it is a subjective experience. It is like grief: although it is universal, it is unique; because we are unique.

Love is a feeling that comes from deep within us and gives us that feeling of fulfillment and harmony. In most of the time, when we hear the word love, we think of romantic love. However, love is a feeling that goes beyond romance. It is to surrender; it is to understand; it is to forgive.  It is the most powerful emotion ..As we see in the description of St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians 13: 4-8:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. 

As human beings, we are not one-dimensional. We have several dimensions, one being the spiritual dimension, which I consider very important. And it is in this dimension that I think love is. In my system The 11 Principles of Transformation®, is one of the tools of Principle III: Develop your spiritual dimension. We are able to get into our inner self and connect to the depths of our being.  We can realize that we are beings full of love, what happens is that we forget it sometimes. Sometimes problems do not allow us to express our love. We may be too busy or assume that others know that we love them. What if we express it more? What if we express it not only the beautiful words I love you but with gestures and actions? Love has no limit, that’s the beauty!  It seems that the more we love the more our capacity to love increases and expands.  Let’s love without fear.  Let’s love without reservation. Let’s love with all our being.

When I do my Guided Meditation classes at the Center for Transforming Lives I like to focus on experiencing peace and love, as I believe we are human beings filled with these emotions.  We all carry that loving and peaceful inner light as it all starts with us.  Loving ourselves does not mean that we are selfish.  We are only applying the divine law “love thy neighbor as thyself.”   Now, I ask you…

  • How do you know you love yourself?
  • How do you treat yourself?
  • How do you self-talk to yourself?
  • How do you evaluate yourself?

Answer to each of these questions and you will be able to evaluate if you are really applying self-love.  If you realize you are not really doing it…start now.  It is never late to experience and give love.

Love is unconditional … that I have found in my life again and again. And I tell you … the more you open your heart to love, you will let go of any barriers you may have built around you.  You will give love because it’s easy; because it’s free; because it is your essence. Embrace it and recognize that it is your nature. Maybe you’ve forgotten it. It is time to recognize it.


Remember…your life has meaning!