11 Principles of Transformation®

The 11 Principles of Transformation®

Embark on a Transformative Journey

Online Program (self-paced)

The 11 Principles of Transformation® is a unique program designed to help you navigate the complexities of grief and loss. As a thanatologist and certified grief counselor, I offer you an experience that goes beyond traditional coping mechanisms. Discover the 11 Principles of Transformation®, a structured path to not just endure loss, but to grow and find renewed purpose.

Heal your broken heart and embrace life again

Program overview

Format: Online (self-paced)

This self-paced online program will help you heal your grief in less than 3 months. Each principle will build on the previous one to help process your grief and embrace life after a loss. It helps you build resilience, empowerment, and confidence in yourself. It teaches you how to rebuild your life. It helps you heal your pain and open your heart to new possibilities.

You’ll see changes in all areas of your life: physical, emotional, social and spiritual.

Self-Paced Format

Moving forward instead of moving on

    Pre-recorded Lessons

    12 pre-recorded videos (available on demand), that will allow you to go at your own pace.

    Easy to Follow

    An easy-to-follow online program that adapts to your time, providing focus and a sense of progression with every step.

    Community Support

    Connect with others on a similar journey in a nurturing and supportive environment.

    Structured Assignments

    Weekly assignments or exercises to apply the principles in real life

    Community Interaction

    Access to an online forum or discussion group for peer support and shared learning.

    Ideal for:

    • Individuals suffering from a loss of a loved one (regardless of how long they’ve been hurting inside).
    • Individuals who prefer to process grief at their own pace, without set timelines.

    Course Overview:

    • Access Upon Enrollment: Immediate access to all the program’s materials upon enrollment.
    • Flexible Duration: Participants can complete the program at their own pace.

    Course Format:

    • Pre-Recorded Lectures: Comprehensive video lectures covering each of the 11 Principles.
    • Interactive Exercises: Online exercises and activities that participants can complete in their own time.
    • Downloadable Resources: Worksheets, journal prompts, and additional materials.
    • Optional Community Engagement: Access to an online community for discussion and support, participation is at the member’s discretion.

    * Disclaimer: The material presented in this program is based on the personal and professional experience of Ligia M. Houben. This program aims to provide helpful and inspiring resources to help the griever process their grief and transform their loss into personal growth. This program is not therapy or counseling.

    * Important: The self-paced version of the program is hosted on a separate platform, therefore you’ll be re-directed to an external site after you click on the button below. All transactions are 100% secure and your privacy is protected at all times.

    Weekly Virtual Meetings

    Personal-Guided Format

    Want Ligia to personally guide you every week?

      This program starts on May 1 and ends on July 23. Enroll now and be part of this special group that will join you every week to be guided by Ligia to help you maximize each principle.*

      Includes everything in the self-paced format plus 12 weekly Zoom meetings with Ligia M. Houben, the 11 Principles of Transformation creator.

      All of the Above

      Includes The 11 Principles of Transformation® - Online Program and all its benefits listed above.

      Engaging Content

      Dynamic weekly Zoom presentations, interactive exercises, and heartfelt stories to guide you every step of the way.

      Live Sessions

      Weekly live webinars or interactive sessions focusing on each principle, including Q&A and discussion.

      Supplementary Materials

      Additional readings, videos, and resources available for deeper exploration of each topic.

      Feedback and Support

      Regular check-ins and opportunities for feedback to ensure participants are engaged and progressing.

      Ideal for:

      • Individuals who prefer a structured environment with set timelines.
      • Individuals seeking interaction with the instructor and fellow participants.
      • Those who benefit from scheduled sessions to stay on track.

      Course Overview:

      • Access Upon Enrollment: Immediate access to all course materials upon enrollment.
      • Defined timeline: This program has a duration of 84 days, starting on May 1st and finalizing on July 23rd.

      Course Format:

      • Online Lectures: Comprehensive weekly meetings via Zoom covering each of the 11 Principles.
      • Interactive Exercises: Online exercises and activities that participants can complete in their own time.
      • Downloadable Resources: Worksheets, journal prompts, and additional materials for self-study.
      • Optional Community Engagement: Access to an online community for discussion and support, participation is at the member’s discretion.

      * Disclaimer: The material presented in this program is based on the personal and professional experience of Ligia M. Houben. This program aims to provide helpful and inspiring resources to help the griever process their grief and transform their loss into personal growth. This program is not therapy or counseling.

      * Important: The personal-guided format of the program is hosted on a separate platform, therefore you’ll be re-directed to an external site after you click on the button below. All transactions are 100% secure and your privacy is protected at all times. 

      Self-help book

      FREE with your purchase!

      This book is included in the program for FREE if you live in the United States.
      You can also buy the book separately here.

      What People Say
      About the Program

      Meet Ligia M. Houben

      The creator of The 11 Principles of Transformation®

      11 Principles of Transformation®

      “Hello, I am Ligia and I welcome you with open arms and an open heart.

      If you are like me, your heart has been broken more than once. This may be due to the loss of a loved one, a divorce, a loss of health, or a loss of a pet. I have experienced each one of them and I understand how difficult it is at times to face life with that void in our heart. Still, we have the power to transform this loss and transform our lives. I say this with conviction in my heart because I recently lost my beloved mother, on June 7th, 2020. I am talking to you as a bereaved daughter and I reaffirm the value of applying these principles when facing a painful loss.

      I am applying each one of them and giving myself the opportunity to heal and live with hope and love in my heart. We can choose to continue honoring our loved ones instead of continuing suffering.

      Because I want to help you move from grief to growth, I created The 11 Principles of Transformation® which includes elements from post-traumatic growth, positive psychology, mindfulness, cognitive behavior therapy, and meaning-making approach. It is a step by step program that helps you embrace life after a loss because it goes beyond grief.”