What Price Are You Paying?

What Price Are You Paying?

If you are one of those persons who constantly state, 

I am so stressed out!  
I do not have time for anything!  
Life was more relaxed before!  
I feel so overwhelmed!

What price are you paying for feeling this way, in your personal relationships? Your health?  Your job’s performance? The quality of your life?

Many people feel they are victims of what is happening to them. 

Do you feel you are one of them? What are you doing about it?  

Do you expect things will get better by themselves or are you taking action? 

It all starts with our mind. It all starts with our attitude. It all starts with our commitment. 

I once heard a wonderful audiobook by the world-known speaker Jim Rohn, where he said these wise words:  

If you want to be successful, study success!
If you want to be happy, study happiness! 

I tell you….if you want to be relaxed and calm….learn techniques to be calmer and relaxed. 

Many people say to me: How lucky, you do not have problems

Well…I do face many challenges in life and what I do is, I choose to respond instead of reacting.

You can also learn how to do it!
First, I have learned to choose my vocabulary. I do my best to avoid using the word problem (sometimes it slips, but I correct myself immediately!). 

I choose to use the word, challenge. And then, I transform it into opportunity. Just with that slight change…my whole perspective changes. 

Just like you, I face difficult situations. However,  I do not allow them to control my life.  As I stated before, If it is something under my control, I solve it. If it is something, I can not control, I cope with it in a mindful way, and turn into gratitude for the beautiful things I have in my life.

I’ve been through difficult life transitions. I do have challenges in my life. 

Still, I have learned to handle them in a positive way. 

If I can do it, so do you!

Remember your life has meaning!

Have a beautiful day,

Ligia M. Houben

Live a Meaningful Year

Live a Meaningful Year

Little things are numerous and therefore become important.

Julio C. MartĂ­nez A.

As we start a new year let’s choose an attitude that will help us achieve dreams, goals, make changes, and become a better version of ourselves. Only one day takes us from one year to the next, however, psychologically it can have a great impact in our lives. We decide if we want to make it a meaningful year or just another year.

How many times we live life just going through the motions? Sometimes we get involved in minor things that prevent us from focusing on the big things. My father used to say little things are numerous and therefore become important. For some reason, lately I have this thought in my mind and I will live this year inspired by these words. Although “my” new year tends to be on my birthday, I started applying this motto on January 1st.   I want to be inspired by his words as one of the things I want to finish is his biography, which has been in the make for some time now. I feel in my heart this is the year to make it happen.

January can be symbolic as it makes us take a closer look to our lives and decide which of the following areas needs improvement: relationships, health, career, finances, personal growth or spirituality. Where are you in these areas?  Are you satisfied with all of them? As we start the second week of 2016 have you already started to take action?  Research shows that less than 10% achieve their new year’s resolution (http://www.forbes.com/sites/dandiamond/2013/01/01/just-8-of-people-achieve-their-new-years-resolutions-heres-how-they-did-it/  )

What does this show to us?  Do people lack commitment or hope for a change without taking action?

If you are one of the later persons don’t despair!  You are on time to make it happen as the first step to make a change is to be aware of it. You still have 50 weeks! Isn’t this great?  The following steps will help you get closer to achieve what you want in 2016.

Step 1. Feel in your heart the desire to make that change; achieve that goal; become that person you want to be.

Step 2. Decide what  you want to achieve and state it in the positive. Instead of focusing on what you don’t want, you focus on what you want.

Step 3. Make a plan of action and start right away. Remember the words of my father that little things become important.  Little distractions count as well as little wins. Focus on the later.

If you live in Miami and want to make everlasting and meaningful goals join me on Jan 30th at The Center for Transforming Lives, where we will be creating goals with purpose to live a meaningful year.

Many blessings to you and your loved ones in 2016!

Remember…your life has meaning!

Ligia M. Houben